News release2025.02.26 Revision of Corporate Philosophy (Mission, Vision, and Value) Exhibit2025.01.23 Technovel Corporation to Exhibit at K2025 Information2024.11.26 Sponsor for ANTEC2025 News release2024.09.11 Strategic Partnership with Chinchio Sergio S.R.L. Exhibit2024.07.23 AMI Plastics World Expos (13th-14th Nov 2024) Information2024.05.27 The Screw Design Conference-Topcon (19th-20th June 2024) News release2024.02.29 Strategic Partnership with Baracco S.R.L. Exhibit2024.02.22 The Screw Design Conference-Topcon (19th-20th June 2024) Exhibit2024.02.22 NPE2024 (6th-10th May 2024) News release2024.01.10 Unveils Naniwa Lab Information2023.12.19 Unveils LinkedIn Presence News release2023.12.11 Demo Lab Scale Twin Screw Extruder”KZW15″ Set up in the USA < 1 2 >